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As I sit here from my desk in Atlanta, Georgia I have tears at the corner of my eyes. I feel inspired. I feel heard. I know he cannot automatically fix everything. I know that gold wil not sprout from trees. But I do know this - I know that there is a feeling of overwhelming pride residing in the hearts of most Americans today. I feel as if a great man has stepped up to the plate to take this bull by the horns. I feel honored to be a part of history so important to the growth of this nation. This moment in our history is precious, unique, inspiring and humble. I just hope that everyone can come together on this common ground of love for America and work hard to make things as they should be. Obama has come into the line of vision at a much needed time. So many things about this country did not feel right. There was an underlying oppression to people who are not even the minority anymore. As a white woman, as an American, I am so very honored and so very moved by our 44th president, Barak Obama. I see a strength in him that no one from our generation has witnessed. I do not compare him to JFK or to Lincoln but those were great men of their time. I am so proud to have been inspired by a man in our time. I have a burning need within me to be a part of something. I want to look up into the sky and not feel so small. I want to feel free and understand that I can do anything that I want to because I am a human being, a breathing person with a mind of my own. Obama has renewed those ideals. He has challenged us to rise above our differences, to remember what this country is all about. He has challenged us to face adversity with a smile and with determination to do our very best in life. It is our job to clean up the streets, to clean up the air and to clean up our conscience. It is our job as Americans to come together to make this country great again.

April Talley
Tue, 20 Jan 2009 20:29:31 +0000

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