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A New Kind of Trojan Horse

The value of television is that in a pleasant, comfortable way, a message can be delivered to the people of this country in a painless way. The television series “V” is a prime example of message hidden in relaxation. The message is beware of Trojan Horses. In Greek history a group of people were offered a huge horse statue. They were so grateful to receive it that they rolled this statue inside their protected area. While they slept the soldiers hidden in the interior of the horse statue came out and conquered their enemies. In a similar way on the show “V”, huge space ships come to major cities on Earth and the aliens within offer peace, technology, and friendship.

Naturally the people accept the excitement of something so dramatic and unthreatening. They eagerly accept the medical help, the technology, and even invitations to visit the spaceship and be awed by the contents. Only a very few distrust the coming of the aliens. The aliens look like nice, cultured people with an appearance conforming to society. Only the few that find out that the image is a mask for a reptilian alien are made aware of the danger. The aliens are wonderful, new, exciting and ever so acceptable to most people. These aliens cause anyone who expresses negative viewpoints to disappear. They manage to create a culture of acceptability so they do not have to conquer overnight. They just have to take their time and remove all threats to their phony image. The message to us is that we should look beneath the surface and not be so eager to accept new ideas such as universal health care without looking carefully at the consequences and being alert for alternatives that might be better.

Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:10:26 +0000

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