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Moving too fast?

Anyone else thing that the pacing is a little bit off in the "V" remake? I know that many people have seen the original, so they already know what's going to happen, but I feel like they could be spending way more time on some of the elements they've already breezed by. It's like they assume you've already seen it and want to get to the good stuff. Take, for example, in the latest episode we saw the culmination of a GREAT side-plot with the guy on the ship. For the last few episodes he's just been laying on a table. In the most recent episode he wakes up and another V is trying to help him remember what happened. There were some great opportunities for plot advancement there, but no, by the end of the episode, dead.

In general, and particularly when compared to the original, I think the actors are doing a pretty good job. It's still a stretch sometimes (a little over acted) but I think it's getting better as the season progresses.

I was surprised to see that next week's episode will be the last in 2009. I know there aren't many weeks left in 2009, but it still seems like an odd place to break it off.

Wed, 18 Nov 2009 23:06:45 +0000

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