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Countdown to NCIS Season Finale Part 1

We are now one episode away from the finale of NCIS and it was quite a set up this week.

The opening scene shows a poker table, but not just any players. At the table are the heads of the FBI, CIA Sec Nav, and ICE agencies all playing.

During the game one of them hears something and calls to security guards that are outside. Thatߴs when we see an agent crash into the window and collapse to the ground.

The dead man turns out to be an ICE agent.

We soon meet Agent Julia Foster with ICE. She was in charge of the security detail that seems to have failed at the poker game

As they search the scene, they find not only the dead man but also a bug beneath him that was being put in place to listen in to what was happening at the poker game.

Gibbs asks if it's still active and Agent Foster says better to not take any chances, drops it and crushes it to which Tony and Ziva gasp, watching her destroy their evidence. It will take Abby much of the show to put it back together.

In Ducky's investigation he also finds out the idea was not to kill the agent. The plan was to stun the agent and knock him out for long enough to place the bug. The death was accidental.

On a funny note, as Ducky explains this, he does so with a physical example on Tobias as he explains, 'using his forearm and biceps the attacker puts pressure on both sides of the neck cutting off the blood supply for both the carotid arteries."

He keeps talking why demonstrating on Tobias and starts to choke him, Gibbs has to point it out and he loosens his grip.

Next, Abby starts to point out a problem� she looked at the pictures of what was happening in the poker game and knowing the game says the game made no sense because one person was obviously winning and everyone else still way playing when they should have folded.

There was also a note made that NCIS was missing from the game, while all the other directors were there.

When asked, Vance says he has played with them in the past, cleaned them out and was not invited back.

But the other agents do not believe that. In the elevator Tony and Ziva corner Agent Foster to have her explain just what was going on as they know the poker game was a sham. She says all she knows is that it was an intelligence summit.

As Tobias and Gibbs are still looking for answers they walk into Vance's office to encounter the Secretary of the Navy who says the whole purpose of the summit was to make sure they share information. He says once there is a new president there is always a test by terrorists and in the past opportunities were missed because agencies did not share information. This was their information sharing session.

Over the course of the rest of the show we learn in truth the reason Vance was not invited is that he was the subject of their conversation and that actually has quite a secret past that will play into the future when he is the head of a secret operation.

Michelle Murillo
Fri, 15 May 2009 04:09:09 +0000

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Title: Countdown to NCIS Season Finale Part 2
Weblog: NeoSciGen
Excerpt: The next part of the show starts to focus on Tony, Ziva and Michael. As the investigation continues, Tony overhears Ziva talking to Michael. She says she has to leave for a few minutes, and he says ok, but starts a computer search. Tony calls while she is getting drinks and says that she has t . . .
Tracked: Sat, 23 May 2009 09:32:40 +0000

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