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Countdown to NCIS Season Finale Part 2

The next part of the show starts to focus on Tony, Ziva and Michael.

As the investigation continues, Tony overhears Ziva talking to Michael. She says she has to leave for a few minutes, and he says ok, but starts a computer search.

Tony calls while she is getting drinks and says that she has to get back to the office because they caught the terrorist they were looking for.

Michael is not happy to see her leave. As she walks off a hand reaches out with his drink, he says 'thank you' and Tony sits down and asks if the seat is taken.

He confronts Michael and tells him there is a flight this evening and he expects Michael to be on it.

But as soon as Tony gets back to the office, Ziva is waiting. She and Tony quickly get into it and you can fell the tension between the two.

As the case continues, they discover the bug is linked to Hadir, the terrorist they are looking for. So, they go the motel room where he was supposed to be. There they find schematics of the house where the directors were playing poker but also find him dead.

It was made to look like he took a suicide pill after accidentally killing the agent, but Gibbs thinks that.s too convenient.

It's the end of the day and people are leaving the office. There is still obvious tension between Tony and Ziva and after she leaves Gibbs walks up to him.

Gibbs . "What's on your mind?"

Tony . "Rifkin has been in town"

Gibbs . "I know"

Tony . "With Ziva . does that bother you on a professional level or a personal one?"

Gibbs . "I am having a little trouble untangling the two"

Tony . "So you are bothered"

Gibbs . "Oh yeah it bothers me. You stay on him"

Tony . "Yep"

Around this same time Abby makes a discovery. She finds out that the computer the terrorist handler had been using had been used at Ziva's house.

Tony shows up at Ziva's but Michael answers the door. Tony wants to arrest Michael and as he tries, Michael attacks him.

Quite a fight ensues and it ends after Michael and Tony fall through a glass table and he pulls a piece of glass out of his body and tries to stab Tony. Tony reaches his gun, shoots and kills Michael.

At the same time Ziva walks through the door and the scene ends with Ziva and Tony pointing their weapons at each other.

Looking ahead, the finale is next week and it looks like it's going to be a wild ride. They are going to have to go to Israel since Tony killed a Mussad officer and from the clips I saw it looks as if Ziva's father is telling someone to finish Michael's job (possibly her) and the tag line is that someone is not coming back from the trip. I can't wait!

Michelle Murillo
Fri, 15 May 2009 05:51:02 +0000

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Title: Countdown to NCIS Season Finale Part 1
Weblog: NeoSciGen
Excerpt: We are now one episode away from the finale of NCIS and it was quite a set up this week. The opening scene shows a poker table, but not just any players. At the table are the heads of the FBI, CIA Sec Nav, and ICE agencies all playing. During the game one of them hears something and calls to s . . .
Tracked: Sat, 23 May 2009 09:32:20 +0000

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