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Endgame - You know this is going to be a good one!

This show was GREAT!!!! It really had a lot of surprises that you wouldn't expect on an NCIS show. A little mystery, humor, and wit - what a combination.

Two runners come upon a car that looks as if it has been abandoned, with keys still in it. They soon see a dead body nearby. While the agents go out to investigate, McGee is late to work and is picking up coffee, he sees a person named Amanda. She gives him her phone number and he is happy to have found someone to call - this will be important later.

The doctor that was killed by the abandond car - they find some strands of surgical string in truck - was probably treating a patient that did not want to be seen by others. The killer intentionally shot the doctor so that he would slowly bleed out. The victim was then shot a second time a little while later. The director shows up at the crime scene (which is rare) and says that a North Korean Operative (Kai) is the one who did it. He says that Kai probably forced the doctor to treat her and then she shot him.

Gibbs asks why Leon is so caught up with this case. Leon says that when he was in the military, the shooter Kai killed an important person. Leon says after he shot her, she got up and put a shot in him and two in his friend. His friend ended up dying. He feels like he has to get retribution for that death.

The only thing found on the dead doctor's body is a single hair that is tied in a bow around the doctor's finger. The DNA shows that the hair belongs to Kai.

Kai shows up outside the director's house and threatens him.

Meanwhile, McGee is trying to get the relationship to work with Amanda - he constantly lets work get in the way. She says she doesn't mind waiting until he gets off work. Amanda comes to the office to visit and McGee introduces him to his coworkers and he tells her he has to take her home because he has a lot of work to do. He thinks about it and in the morning, when he meets her for coffee, asks her how she knew he worked at NCIS. She says that he told her. He says he didn't and then she pulls out a gun, and in a South African accent asks him where is Kai. She tells him to tell her or she will shoot him. Kai is standing behind a building watching them and shoots her. It turns out that Amanda was hired by the South African government to kill Kai.

The NCIS agents, through investigation realize that a high government official from North Korea (Pak Su Ji) happens to be in Washington D.C. which happens to be a little coincidental. They believe that Kai is there to kill him. There is a report on the news that he was just shot at the Capitol.

Kai leaves a note for Leon in his car. It is a picture of her as a young girl holding a machine gun. WHY is written across it. Turns out that the bullet slugs were dipped in something toxic to make sure that the North Korean official would die.

They try to connect the dead doctor with the North Korean government official and realize that they were involved in her childhood. These two people turned her into the animal that she became.

Kai finally comes to Leon's house and asks him to shoot her - to do it for his partner. She says that she wanted to die the first time he shot her. Leon's wife, in the background, shoots her.

Wed, 11 Nov 2009 05:53:56 +0000

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