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It's always the person you least suspect

This episode is definitely one that you can't figure out who did it. There are at least 4 people that want this guy dead, or don't even care if he is dead. The Halloween twist gives it an air of mystery.

Lance Corporal James Korby lived for Mischief Night (the night before Halloween). He was known as the king of practical of jokes. His wife Sarah is accused of doing the crime at first. She claims that she was in Virginia Beach, VA. Why would she not be at home when her husband just got back from active duty in Afghanistan? Well, they made a deal every Halloween that the wife would go to a spa while the husband would spend his time with his Halloween “toys”.

At the autopsy, they notice that Korby's throat had previous scar tissue, even though the cause of death was the nitrogen gas in his lungs, making him suffocate. They think it wasn't a suicide, he was probably killed. He had traces of paint thinner, ingested two months ago in Afghanistan. This means that someone in Afghanistan had tried to kill him. Private David Singer and Korby had a falling out previously in Afghanistan, maybe he did it? Everybody in Afghanistan was getting tired of his pranks. Someone tried to give him a warning before he was actually killed. There were marks on his body from about at least 4 people. The investigators realize that Sergeant Barnes, Koby's sergeant's request for a promotion was denied a few months before. The sergeant admits that he actually put a drop of paint thinner in Korby's coffee so he would be shipped home on medical leave, he claims he was looking out for Korby.

But the widow looks guilty. Both of her husbands died previously. “Once a tragedy, twice a coincidence, thrice a pattern.” David Singer had a charge in Virginia Beach, VA the night Korby was killed. He claims he was out with a friend. He and the wife? The wife's credit card was used to purchase duct tape and hose that was used in the “suicide”. They confront her, but after seeing the car seat pulled all the way up, like a smaller woman would do, they look at the step-daughter. Thermos she gave Korby “hot chocolate” in (which had liquid nitrogen) was found in friend's trash can .

As said at the beginning of the article, the person that it seemed like had nothing to lose or gain from Korby's death was the one that killed him - she was just too greedy to wait for her inheritance from her real father and wanted to frame Sarah, her step-mother with Korby's death. That's why I don't like Halloween - too much practical jokes and death.

Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:32:50 +0000

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