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Ambush: My thoughts

Recap: We open with that cool multiple snapshot thing, which while cool, is uncool to describe so I won't mention it again. Then we have a marine in civvies on the beach trying to play superspy. A job he's not particularly good at as he's followed in an aquarium and garroted by an unseen assailant. Then the opening credits with some nice music and the shows hot chick (you know, the one with the eye) doing one of the most nonchalant gun draws I've ever seen.

It's like “Hey, how are ya', by the way I've got a gun in your face.”

Then we've got the orphan Callan and LL Cool J (I can never remember the character's name) doing their argument of the week, this time about positive versus negative reinforcement re LL's incident report. They're joined by Renko who was in the backdoor pilot/crossover with NCIS but hasn't been seen since because he was on assignment tracking down the scourge of the modern day, militia groups. That is if you're modern day is 1993. Try to keep up with the times guys. Heddi (the short boss lady) is physically in DC, but is of course truly everywhere and briefs them on their new assignment. The corpse from the open was Renko's informant on the big bad militia's so now they need to catch his killer.

In DC we find out why Heddy's there, not that they why matters, it's just an excuse to get her out of the way of the plot. Then the hot chick with the weird eye has a confrontation with the big marine who's been stealing missiles and killing NCIS informants. And when facing an opponent at least 100 lbs. heavier and half a foot taller she hands out an ass-whuppin' like only a, well, like only a female character on a TV show can. Then with Renko's help she takes the guy back to be interrogated only to get nowhere. Then the shrink guy pulls an analysis out of his ass (because it sure wasn't based on anything the character he's supposedly analyzing did) and they decide to have Callan go undercover as a fellow prisoner.

Callan, using the tried and true technique of bad jokes forms a bond with the bad guy marine and in DC Heddi tosses a hissy fit about Callan going undercover. Because of course it's insane to send a legendary undercover expert, actually you know, undercover. Then they stage a break out with Callan's accomplices conveniently being killed leaving him in need of the help garroting marine is only too eager to provide.

Callan and the marine get to the camp and are shot at by a Jonas brother, then get in and the marine is shot, this time successfully, by one of the nuts. Callan grabs the Jonas brother and tries to negotiate. We also find out that Heddi is upset because 10 years ago she lost another agent to the militias. The hot chick, Renko and LL sneak up on the camp and upon seeing Callan's situation LL drives in saying he's ATF and the camp has 30 minutes before a raid. Callan is upset and says “I hope you have a better plan than this.” No he doesn't, he just hadn't done anything really stupid this episode and was starting to feel left out. Then the militia leader, for no particular reason, introduces the stock of his gun to the Jonas brother's face.

The big showdown with gunfire, flipping trucks and jets! Heddi asks the Secaf (Secretary of the Air Force) to strafe the militias causing them to panic and run rather than shoot Callan and LL. This helped by Renko and the hot chick's random fire and the Jonas brother switching sides and telling the militia leader he saw 20 agents coming down the road.

My thoughts: Don't let the tone of my recap fool you, I like this show (though I still haven't decided if two NCIS's is one too many) it's just this episode that was stupid. I'm not going to try and go point for point, but here's one example. Director Vance. They've recently spent some time trying to humanize him in both shows, but in this one they flushed that all down the toilet without a second thought. If Heddi hadn't thought to ask the Secaf for a favor two, or possibly more, NCIS agents would have been killed. But Vance goaded her into it so he wouldn't have to use his “political capitol”. Apparently their lives were worth the risk, in his opinion. Sure he gives some weak ass excuse, but it's total bullshit.

Bottom line: If they want to convince me there should be two NCIS's, they're going to need to do a hell of a lot better than this.

Rigel Kent
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:12:47 +0000

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