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Only The Beginning Recap, Crit

This week's episode continues the story of the newly formed 'good guys' team, unfortunately the infuriatingly annoying teenager dude is back. Holy crap, this Jonahs brothers copy of a copy of a bad boy is just awful. Every time I think to myself, boy, this show isn't too bad, he shows up and resets the clock on that whole thought.

I've been amazed in the past about the odd parallels they draw between alien invasions and say, the health care debate. In the previous episode, when the FBI woman was all 'They have a very powerful weapon...' Turns out it was devotion, but it sounded an awful lot like she was gonna pull off Hope. It could play out either way, if you're going to look at this show politically. Either you're a liberal wacko that wants Universal (as in galaxies) healthcare, or you're a prosthetelyzing bible thumper, there's enough fear mongering and paranoia in this show to go around.

Still, I had no idea they were going to go after the flu vaccine with this episode. Really? Either the writers or amazingly smart, or the fearful paranoid populous is just that predictable. You can't listen to the radio without someone going off on how flu shots are going to kill us all/deform our babies/steal our jobs... So I guess it makes sense that they threw in the Scary Alien Flu Vaccine. Just boggles the mind... I'll never cease to be amazed by the cynicism primetime TV is so darn good at.

The 5th Column storyline gets pushed along as well. I'm probably most intrigued by the V/Human resistance. Shades of Fight Club and whatnot in there (right down to the lighting at the warehouse meeting-gone wrong). It's too bad they didn't show the 'skinning' process, but it probably would have been a lot more expensive than just overdubbing menacing screams.

I think the whole- 'Why are the aliens so afraid of gettin nekkid?' plot line is the most interesting to me. The motivations of the V, or at least their strategy, is the big mystery of the show at this point. I'm confident it's got something to do with their fear of wearing their own skin, which might even be the driving force behind their conquest ambitions. Only time will tell, if I can keep watching despite the annoying teenager drama.

Allen Z. Amongus
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:45:45 +0000

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