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vp debate

sooooooooo.. i know you nerds all watched it. some of you twice!


Fri, 03 Oct 2008 17:06:18 +0000

i'm probably not voting for McCain...

the fact that she can talk and walk at the same time (with the bar being set so low), doesn't mean she's qualified to be VP.

Frankly, I don't talk like she does..."darn this" or "darn that"...she's going after those Brady Bunch crowd which frankly strikes me as a bit queer. you almost wish she starts to cry and stuff just so that McCain has no choice but to replace her.

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 20:04:12 +0000

I thought your heart was sat on McCain a few months ago . . . surprised to see your heart change. So are you voting for Obama?

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 22:22:29 +0000

it's california...

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 23:01:50 +0000

California is not a swing state, no matter how Paul votes, it will be a win for Democrat.

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 23:17:06 +0000

Ok. I see the point and I agree.

But that point brings up a philosophical question . . . So why do you (as in both you personally and all of us Californians as a whole) care to watch the presidential debates? Or even participate in the presidential election? Are you hoping to sway the swing states in one way or another?

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 23:48:45 +0000

Not likely in the near future, but if enough people think like that, then California might become a swing state. What if this is actually a tactic by Paul to get you not to vote, thinking that he's voting for the Democratic ticket anyways.

Also, you might vote differently after hearing the debates, if you identify more with the opposing side than you originally thought.

In addition to the presidential election, there are other propositions that need your vote (like Prop 8).

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 00:11:55 +0000

i think a lot of conservatives will go out and vote...I think CA is going to be closer than anyone thinks. The dems have been offering up crappy candidates...

Obama should not have an issue but a lot of folks will be out for the propositions.

well, now that I've said that, Obama will win big just to spite me...so, no point in you guys going out there to vote...your vote ain't gonna count anyway...

...nor mine...I think I'll stay home that day...not go to work and contemplate these last eight years and think what I'll tell the future generation...

"...them Bush days were tough...people didn't like Americans...but we were like cowboys...now, today...haha, you guys are f@#$#ed!!!"

Of course, I'll be saying it in Chinese with a Beijing accent as American politicans will continue to sell off the shattered American dream piece by piece to our new Han overlords...

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 00:43:22 +0000

The Chinese Gov't is already the biggest foreign holder of American bonds... they are cheering for the bailout.

Chinese Government is Top Foreign Holder of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonds

I am off to practice rolling my Rs for my Beijing accent...

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:41:09 +0000

crap! *leaves the house to go buy rosetta stone*

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 03:13:10 +0000

Google Translation:


(I want to be the first to welcome our Chinese overlords)...alright, it's the effort that counts...

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 03:31:53 +0000

The Chinese are going on a shopping spree. I am not talking about the consumer products, but the companies that make them.

All About China's Overseas M&A Push

Pretty soon, we will see less "Make in China" labels, as the manufacturing will be swifted away from China.

Mon, 06 Oct 2008 17:24:05 +0000

SNL - Tina Fey Does Sarah Palin (Debate vs. Joseph Biden)

Mon, 06 Oct 2008 18:27:51 +0000

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