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who will be next to die?

I watched the execution of Gaeta and Zarek last night. I don't think I can remember the last time I watched a tv program that was so unafraid of killing off it's main characters in a gruesome manner. We lost Ellen, Calley, Billy, Dualla, saw many repeated deaths of Cylons and we loose count of the deaths of others. It seems no sooner has a character been focussed upon to become real that they are sentenced to die. I know the future of the fleet is bleak, but it would be nice to have a few characters we might think can make it apart from Adama and Adama and a new version of starbuck

However, this isn't the only boundary that BSG has crossed in 4 series. While many of the character deaths have left me cringing, the most shocking scene was probably the attempted rape of Athena. it is rare to see scenes this graphic of sexual violence, especially cut with scenes of others joking about it. Although I can understand why this was used as a plot device, I feel more should have been made about the effect this had on the crew of the Pegasus rather than the 'punishment' the whole fleet suffered with the nuclear destruction of Cloud 9 and the subsequent discovery of New Caprica.

They do manage some moments that are powerful, part of the battle and don't make me cringe though. The scene in which Athena hands Adama the gun on Kobol, the escape from New Caprica when the ship drops out of the sky, they grey desolation of a destroyed earth.

There's one bit I'm not sure about though. Who in the hell is Starbuck? Are we looking at some kind of multiple universe scenario here, will it ever be explained how she died on earth and managed to return to the fleet and why all the inhabitants of earth were cylons.

So are we cylons?, the skin-jobs the survivors of a long destroyed human race?, the mythical 13th tribe?, while the 12 tribes of kobol are genetically modified humans, an experiment sent out to the stars? This is as good a guess as any other when the creator of BSG says he had no plan for how the series would end.

While some series went a bit to far in tying up all the loose ends neatly, DS9 and Babylon 5 both had very cute endings with all the main characters moving on to pastures new, I can't see this happening in BSG. I see death destruction, suicide, murder, all the dark stuff.

Perhaps the series is there as a testament to how far people can be pushed and still want to try to retain their humanity.

Fri, 13 Feb 2009 00:27:12 +0000

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