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Sony Google TV is Not Big Enough

I love Sony's new Google TV. This series of Internet TV runs the Google Android operating system. I love Android and would absolutely love to have Android on my TV. I would run out today to buy the Sony Internet TV. But there is one thing that is stopping me from doing so. And that is their sizes.

Sony Internet TV's that runs Google Android operating system comes in four sizes: 24" (NSX-24GT1), 32" (NSX-32GT1), 40" (NSX-40GT1), and 46" (NSX-46GT1). My minimum requirement for a TV is 50". Why didn't Sony go 50"?

My home plasma HDTV set is 50". If I get the Sony NSX-46GT1 46" Internet TV, I'd feel like it is a huge step-down. In fact, I had never wanted any TV that is smaller than 50". Sony has created a huge dilemma for me. I want to support Sony by buying the first Google TV so that the Android TV will succeed. But I don't want a 46" TV.

Do you feel the same way about Sony Internet TV? Or do you think the available sizes are just what you need?

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 17 Oct 2010 05:28:46 +0000

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